Guideline examples for reference only, subject to change. Generally, refers to Federal tax but includes provincial equivalents.
Student Pricing requires minimum 4 months full time reported on a T2202, or high school.
CRA follow up included to support claims (up to an average amount of time used: approx. 1 hour).
Additional fees may apply by complexity, items not listed, multiples in a category, or above average time spent.
credit only return
special price
C $29.99
C $69.99
with BC Renters Credit Only
Zero income return except social assistance T5007 filed for purpose of obtaining benefits only
Add $40.00 for BC Renters Credit benefit only.
Simple Tax Return special
C $74.99 or student $34.99
This is our special "two slips of any kind", see examples below.
This does not apply to returns that include other benefits/credits applied for or extra complexity due to extra forms/schedules filled out.​
1 T4 plus 1 of any other tax slip and/or tips
Clients that only have T4A(OAS) and T4A(P)
Clients that only have a T5007 and 1 other tax slip and/or tips
Puzzling tax return
C $89.99 or student $49.99
CPP or QPP Benefits and/or Old Age Security and/or Pension Income
Any number of T4s – Employment earnings slips
Worker’s Compensation Benefits
EI Benefits, Parental leave, and Wage Loss Plans
RRSP Contribution and Regular Withdrawals
Scholarships and Bursaries
Student Loan Interest (current and carried forward up to 5 years)
RESP Accumulated Income Payments
Benefit Repayments on slips
Simplified “Work from Home” (due to Covid-19 tax years 2020-2022)
disconcerting Tax return
C $109.99 or student $84.99
Home Buyer Plan or Lifelong Learning Plan Repayments
Investment income from T5 Slips and T3 Slips
Tuition Transfers from Dependant/Spouse
Union Dues not on T4s
Children with Fitness/Arts Credits (phased out 2016) or Bus Passes (phased out 2017)
Immigrant return
C $124.99 or
student $104.99
Carrying Charges or Eligible Interest Expenses
Political Contribution Receipts
Canada Caregiver Amounts/Infirm Dependant amounts for dependant or spouse
Disability Amounts, Supports and Transfers
Quebec Provincial return (Average Complexity)
Childcare expenses
Underused Housing Tax (UHT)
First time home buyer’s credit
Disposition of Principal Residence
bewildering Tax Return
C $149.99 or
student $129.99
Pension Income Splitting
Amount for Eligible Dependant Claims or Deductible Support Payments
Medical and/or Medical Travel Expenses, Nursing home fees or Attendant care
Non-Residents/ Temporary Foreign Workers or Emigrant Returns
Apprenticeship Credits
“Other deductions” such as RRSP Undeducted Contributions, Pension buy back amounts
Deceased Final Returns (extra $100 fee for optional Rights-or-Things return)
Foreign Income and/or Foreign Tax Credits
RRSP Transfers and Special Withdrawals
Provincial Rental Credits, or other credits non otherwise listed
tax return
C $179.99 or
student $149.99
Clergy Residence Deduction
Northern Residents Deduction
Stock Options & Share Deductions
Home Accessibility Credits & Multigenerational Home Renovation Tax Credit
Moving Expenses
Adoption Expenses
Detailed Employment Expenses/Tools Allowances and GST 370 Forms
mind bending tax return
C $249.99 or
student $149.99
Self Employed Business or Partnership Income or Loss/Professional Income
Commission Income and Related Expenses
Rental Income and Expenses
Alternative Minimum Tax Carryovers
Lifetime Capital Gains Deductions on Dispositions of Qualified Property
Capital Gains & Losses (T5008's or Disposition Summaries) Loss Carrybacks etc.,
Crypto Currency and/or T5013 Statements of Partnership
OTHER Services
Document Retrieval $5 per document type/per year (ex: T1 General, NOA - Notices of Assessment, Slip Summary)
Mobile Service $10.00 each way for pick up/drop off
T3 Trust Returns Starting at $200.00
UHT Returns starting at $100 (per property, no tax due) extra charges for each trustee or complex returns.
Bookkeeping $75 p/h
Other Services/Time Charges/Advising not listed Hourly $75.00 p/h, min $50 each
Forms (GST, T1135, addt'l complex items/schedules) Hourly $75.00 p/h, min $50
Special Elections, Consultations, Notice to Reader Financials $150 p/h, min $100
Postage on Returns Documents - $3.50, or quoted for large packages
Adjustments - $49.99 per year plus schedules required for submission